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Some people dream of peace through unity. Yet we are already unified and can achieve that dream of peace. We just need to realize it, that We Are One.

The Global Unity Challenge Team

Please share and help these three little words be "heard 'round the world" #WeAreOne


So here We ask, all of our brothers and sisters of the Human Race, We take this challenge upon ourselves to abandon our beloved posts of truth and awakening, our beloved "selfies", our beloved random off the wall because We want to! post. Lulz. :P Abandon all the addicting fun for one day solid, every 11th, to continually and repeatedly post "We Are One" in every language, on every profile, in every continent and as many memes as possible, on every post, on every comment, on every page, in every group. Everyone will be seeing and saying "We Are One" "we are one" "WE ARE ONE!" "We are one." "Somos Uno" "nous sommes une" "jesteśmy jednym" "Ние сме едно" "wij zijn een" "wir sind eins" "私たちは一つです" "我们是一家人" "мы являемся одним" "ونحن واحدة".(translated by Google)

Keep this in mind, with the power of the internet We have broken the most historical boundary that has separated us as a single species, language. 
With this achievement We have also been re-discovering the most universal language, Love.

Which is why We have so much faith in Humanity, all of you! and being Anonymous or Christian or Democratic or whatever has absolutely NOTHING to do with this.
THIS is a calling to ALL HUMANS ALIKE. Because you are you and I am me, but together We Are One. Imagine the possibilities of human singularity. Imagine. Yup. ...Yup.

We all know there is a massive awakening happening worldwide. We are breaking barriers, yet some are still finding ourselves creating new ones.
So now with the global awakening of self-consciousness, and humans regaining their cognition, We mustn't let each other continue to create differences. 
Instead We shall show unity! With three words, We. Are. One., every awakened human can make themselves heard! Through all current religions, organizations, ideas, etc. We know one thing is for certain -WE ARE ONE!
All with the same ultimate goal, a true and free world coexisting sustainable, because Love.

Did you imagine the possibilities of singularity a second ago? Then you can picture like We can, Facebook and every social media flooded with three little words written in every way. :) Yup. So if you think you can abandoned your Facebook daily norms, then do it!

If you ask "Why Facebook and the internet?" Or if you state "This won't prove anything." Then take a step back to see *exactly* where it is you're reading this. And take notice, you read it, We feel that proves something. ;)

Facebook & the Internet, you seriously should've been expecting this. #WeAreOne

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